Serious entrepreneurs and web developers launch their websites in style. After investing your time and resources to create a professional website, you don’t just wake up one day and decide it’s time to launch. A successful website launch takes careful planning, preparation, testing, and a thorough understanding of the Kenyan market.

You have to make sure the website works, have a plan to promote it (which includes a content strategy), and, most importantly, have enough content to cover it for at least a few months.

 You don’t want to assume anything or leave anything to chance. The first impression your website makes has a lasting effect on potential customers. You want to make sure everything is in place before the launch, so you can hit the ground running and make a great first impression.

We hate it when web owners disappoint their visitors with poorly designed and functioning websites. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive checklist to help you ensure a successful website launch in Kenya.

Follow these 25 steps and you’ll be on your way to a confident launch:

#1. Have One Complete Topic Cluster

Pick one overarching topic and exhaustively cover it on your website.

Make sure you have a series of posts that provide comprehensive information on the topic. For example, if your website is about health and wellness, you might want to cover topics like diet, exercise, and mental health. Having a complete topic cluster shows that you are an authority on the subject and that potential customers will have something valuable to gain when they visit your website.

Instead of thinking about topics individually, think about how they fit into your overall topic cluster and make sure you have enough content to cover it all.

#2. Check for Errors and Broken Links

Before launching your website, it’s crucial to check for any errors or broken links.

Make sure there’s no lorem ipsum text or placeholder images left on your website.

Use a tool like Screaming Frog to scan for broken links and fix them.

Go through every page, post,  and link to ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors.

A website with errors and broken links can turn off potential customers and harm your reputation.

#3.Set Up Google Analytics and Google Search Console

You want to track your website’s performance, traffic, and other important metrics.

Set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor your website’s progress.

Google Analytics will provide insights into your visitors’ behaviour, while Google Search Console will help you monitor the visibility of your website in search results.

#4. Test Your Site’s Usability

Make sure your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Test it on different devices, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure a seamless experience for all users.

Every feature, functionality, and page should work smoothly without any glitches or bugs.

Here are some of the elements you should test:

  • Navigation menus
  • Forms and contact pages
  • E-commerce features (for online stores)
  • Loading speed
  • Images and videos
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Login procedures, credentials, roles, and permissions
  • Payment gateways (for e-commerce websites)
  • Autoresponders and email notifications

#5. Make Sure Your Navigation is Logical and Intuitive

Your website’s navigation should be easy to understand and follow.

The main menu should have clear labels that accurately represent the content on your website.

Make sure visitors can easily find important information, products, or services with just a few clicks.

#6. Review Browser Compatibility

Your website should work on different browsers and operating systems.

Test it on popular browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

Make sure all features are functional and look good across all platforms.

You can use a tool like Browsershots or BrowserStack to do the tests.

#7. Install an SEO Plugin and Configure It

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website.

Install an SEO plugin like Yoast or All-in-One SEO Pack and configure it according to your website’s needs.

This includes setting up meta descriptions, title tags, sitemaps, and optimizing images and content for search engines.

#8. Create a Custom 404 Error Page

In case visitors come across a broken link or page that doesn’t exist, a custom 404 error page will help guide them back to your website.

You can use this opportunity to redirect them to other useful pages or provide links to popular content on your website.

#9. Configure Your Permalinks

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your pages and posts.

Make sure they are SEO-friendly, concise, and accurately describe the content on that page or post.

You can customize permalinks in your website’s settings or through an SEO plugin.

#10. Create a Favicon

A favicon is a small icon that appears next to your website’s name in the browser tab.

It helps to make your website more recognizable and professional.

Create a simple favicon that represents your brand or business and upload it to your website’s header.

You might want to use a favicon generator tool like or RealFaviconGenerator to create a favicon that is compatible with different browsers and devices.

#11 Test Your Contact Forms

Contact forms are an essential part of any website.

Make sure they are working properly by testing them yourself or asking a friend to help you test them.

Don’t forget to include a “thank you” page or message after a successful form submission.

#12. Include Social Media Links

Social media is a powerful marketing tool for any business.

Make sure to include links to your social media accounts on your website, and encourage visitors to follow you for updates and promotions.

#13. Secure Your Website with HTTPS

Having a secure website is important for both user trust and search engine ranking.

Set up an SSL certificate to encrypt data on your website and switch to HTTPS instead of HTTP.

This will also display a “secure” label in the browser bar, which can increase trust for your visitors.

#14. Remove Anything Unnecessary

Before launching your website, go through all content and features and remove anything unnecessary or potentially harmful.

This includes unused plugins, outdated information, or any spammy comments.

Additionally, make sure to have proper copyright notices in place to protect your original content from being used without permission.

#15. Have a Consistent Brand Identity

Your website should have a consistent brand identity, including a logo, colour scheme, and font style.

This helps to create a cohesive and professional look throughout your website.

From your logo to your social media profiles, to your website design, everything should be consistent and recognizable as your brand.

#16. Set Up Email Reception

If you plan on using email for your business, make sure to set up email reception through a professional email provider.

This will provide a more reliable and secure way to send and receive emails from your website.

Choose an email provider that offers features like spam filtering, virus protection, and customizable email templates.

#17. Create a Few Lead Magnates

Lead magnets are free resources like e-books, checklists, or guides that you offer in exchange for a visitor’s contact information.

These can help build your email list and attract potential customers.

Figure out that one thing you can offer, that will add value to your visitors and make them want to give you their email address.

#18. Work on an Email List

An email list is a valuable asset for any business.

Here’s the thing:

Before you even create a coming soon page and start working on your email list.

Use social media or lead magnets to collect email addresses and keep in touch with potential customers until your website is launched.

You also want to write a series of welcome emails to greet new subscribers and keep them engaged with your brand.

For example, you can send a welcome email with links to popular content on your website or exclusive promotions for subscribers.

Alternatively, create an email series that teaches people something in your niche, or provides valuable tips and advice.

The possibilities are endless! Keep experimenting with different types of content to keep your subscribers interested and engaged.

Remember, the key is to provide value and build a relationship with your email list.

#19. Create an XML Sitemap and Submit it to Google

An XML sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website and helps search engines crawl and index them more efficiently.

You can create an XML sitemap using an SEO plugin or a sitemap generator tool.

Once created, submit it to Google through Google Search Console for better visibility and indexing of your website’s pages.

#20. Research Keywords and Use them in the Content

Before creating content for your website, research keywords related to your business or niche.

These are words or phrases that people search for on search engines.

Include these keywords naturally in your content to improve your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages.

Use a tool like Google Keyword Planner or Semrush to find relevant keywords for your website.

Check their difficulty, search volume, and competition to determine which one to prioritize.

#21. Take Care of the Legal Aspects

This is the most boring part, but it might save you from legal troubles in the future.

Make sure to have a privacy policy and terms of service on your website to protect yourself and your visitors:

Make sure you have the required licenses for images, plugins, videos, fonts, etc. on your website.

Clearly state how you will use any personal information collected from visitors. 

Include disclaimers for any information provided on your website,  such as medical or legal advice

Write comprehensive terms of service to protect yourself from any liability

Regularly update these policies and terms as needed.

Create a cookie warning for EU visitors and comply with GDPR.

Check the legal requirements for your specific industry and location to ensure compliance.

 #22. Work on Your Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a step-by-step process that guides potential customers toward making a purchase.

Having a well-designed and optimized sales funnel can significantly increase your conversions and revenue.

Identify the different stages of your buyers’ journey, from awareness to consideration to decision, and create appropriate content for each stage.

Use calls to action, landing pages, email marketing, and retargeting techniques to guide visitors toward making a purchase.

Remember to continuously analyze and optimize your sales funnel for better results.

#23. Engage With Your Audience

Having a successful website is not just about providing high-quality content, but also engaging with your audience.

Respond to comments and messages on your website and social media accounts promptly.

Ask for feedback from your audience and use it to improve your website and business.

Create polls, surveys, or contests to encourage audience interaction and keep them coming back for more.

Remember, building a strong relationship with your audience can lead to loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

#24. Create an Opengraph, Twitter Card, and Rich Pins

Opengraph, Twitter Cards, and Rich Pins are meta tags that allow you to control how your website’s content appears on social media.

By including these tags in your website’s code, you can customize the title, description, and image that show up when someone shares a link from your website on social media.

#25. Get a Few Citations, Reviews, and Backlinks

Citations, reviews, and backlinks are essential for improving your website’s credibility and visibility.

Citations are mentions of your business on other websites that include your name, address, and phone number (NAP).

These can help with local SEO and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

Reviews from satisfied customers not only boost your credibility but also influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions.

Backlinks, which are links to your website from other websites, can improve your search engine ranking and bring in more traffic.